Client Portal Guide



1)     Once we activate your portal access you will receive the following email

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When you click on the activate link the following will come up where you will need to enter a password

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2)     Once this has been done you will be directed to a login page

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3)     Enter your login details and you will be directed to the main page. Any documents already uploaded will be showing when you do this.

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1) View documents that we have uploaded

2) Delete documents (unless they are locked by us)

3) Send us an email query. Both in regards to a specific document and generally

4) Send documents to us

5) Reset your password or get a new one if lost

6) Log out to exit your session


1)    View documents that we have uploaded

You will receive an email advising you that a document has been uploaded

The email subject line will tell them what client reference code the document has been uploaded to.  i.e. individual code or business entity code.  It will also show the sender as Callaghans.

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The email will show as follows:

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You can then insert the portal address into your browser to use or in most email formats just click on the link to be directed to the portal.  You can also access the portal via our website.

If you have access to more than one Callaghans client reference (e.g. business and individual) then after logging in the Client Portal will ask which folder you wish to view

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To select the client reference you just need to click once on the client and it will automatically open.

You will then see the following screen

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To select the document you wish to view click once on the relevant document.  The following screen will then open

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To download/open the document they click the downwards arrow button. 

2)    Delete documents (unless they are locked by us)

To delete a document once you have entered the document details page (as above) click on the delete button. 

3)    Send us an email query.  Both in regards to a specific document and generally

To send an email query about a specific document you can click the letter button while in the document details page. 

This will bring up the following text box where you can fill in your query



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Your email will come to our Client Portal inbox and will be allocated appropriately.

You can also choose to email a copy of the query to yourself (by ticking email copy to me).

Once sent from Client Portal your email will be noted at the end of the screen in document details under ‘history’


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To send us a non-document specific query you can click on ‘contact us’ at the end of the main screen


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This will bring up the following screen which you can fill out and send back to us.



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This email will also go to our Client Portal address and be allocated appropriately.

4)    Send documents to us

To upload a document securely to us go into the main screen and select the upload button 



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You can then select files which will be shown in the upload manager as below.  Only 5120MB can be uploaded at any one time. You can also enter a comment for the document in the section above.

Once it has been selected you need to press the start button to upload the file to us.  You can clear the choice by selecting the ‘Clear’ button.  Once you press ‘Start’ the upload manager will show the upload progress of the document and then go blank again for the next document.

You can close out of the upload manager by using the X on the left hand side.  This will bring you back to the main screen which will show documents that have been uploaded to the system and the date – see below



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Once we have accessed the document it will change status to ‘Downloaded from Document Manager’ as per the first item above.  If Callaghans has deleted the document from your folder after downloading it (to free up space) it will no longer show on your list of documents.

If you change your mind after uploading the document, you can delete it by going into the document screen for this document and pressing the trash can button.  This action will delete it from our system at the same time.

5)    Reset your password or get a new password if lost.

To reset your password, you go into your profile using the person icon at the top right of the screen.

The following screen will come up.  You will be able to choose to reset your password from here but will not be able to change anything else.  You will need to contact us and we will update your details.



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To retrieve a lost password.  On the login screen select forgot password



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The following screen will then come up



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Our Practice ID will be pre filled from your prior entry.  Enter your email address and a reset for the password will be sent to you in the following email format:


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6)    Log out to exit your session

Use the X button at the top right of the screen to log out of the portal session.