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Accounting & Compliance Pricing Guide
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Starting as a graduate accountant with Callaghans in November 2002. Justin’s technical skills saw him become one of the firm’s partners in July 2010.
Justin provides expert accounting and taxation advice, assisting a wide range of clients with their business or investment needs.
Justin is committed to building long lasting relationships, delivering outcomes, and implementing solutions that work to assist in generating wealth.
In his spare time not reading the Master Tax Guide Justin and his family can be found hitting various sports grounds around Canberra and heading out on their bikes to explore the Canberra region.
Justin Corkran
Kylie started with Callaghans as a starry eyed young undergraduate while still at university in 2001. Since that time, her enthusiasm for tax has not waned (do not invite her to dinner parties), and she is now well versed in all areas of Callaghans, most of which she has worked in at some stage over the years. Kylie became a partner of Callaghans in January 2017.
Kylie specialises in individual taxation including advice relating to investment properties, capital gains tax, salary packaging and estate planning.
She loves being able to work personally with clients and see the rewards of collaboration and tax effective planning come to fruition.
When not watching spreadsheet videos, Kylie spends her time with her adopted retired greyhound, on a volleyball court or finding great walk and coffee spots around the Canberra region.
Kylie White
Ruth qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1987. After a career in auditing and a break to raise a family, she joined Callaghans in 2012. Progressing up the ladder, she is now Business Services Manager specialising in companies, partnerships and trusts with a few individuals and SMSFs thrown in.
As she is Scottish, she has a wicked sense of humour (Scots need it) and is a straight talker – no sugar coating.
For relaxation, she walks her two dogs and has sustained a number of injuries while doing so (broken tibia, broken nose and broken toe) – apparently not the dogs’ fault.
Ruth Chisholm
Daniel started in accounting in 2007 in Albury. He finished his accounting degree in 2012 and 3 years later made the move to Canberra and started with Callaghans. Over his time with Callaghans he has progressed to a senior accountant role and completed his CPA in 2019.
Daniel is considered an allrounder given his time is devoted between Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF), small business returns and personal returns, however his speciality is SMSFs. He enjoys assisting clients and finding solutions that work for each individual client.
Outside of work, he spends his time gardening, looking after his fox terrier Russell, watching test cricket, and chasing after his two boys.
Daniel Conroy
Simon commenced with Callaghans in July 2022, bringing with him close to 23 years of accounting experience.
He started his career with a small accounting practice in South Canberra, in which he provided accounting advice to the small business entities.
For the last 17 years Simon worked for a specialist SMSF administration and accounting organisation, where he undertook various roles within that organisation, however for the last 6 years he was the Director of the SMSF Technical, Compliance and Quality Management team, which was responsible for all training, technical research, document creation and management of the SMSF team, which provided accounting and administration services to 4800 SMSF clients nationwide.
Simon has a combined Bachelor of Arts & Commerce Degree from the Australian Nation University, he is a Certified Practising Account, a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and is also a registered Tax Agent.
In his free time Simon enjoys, spending time with his family, trail running and finding new places for coffee around Canberra.
Simon Lasscock
Reece joined the Callaghans team in 2015 during the final year of his Bachelor of Accounting at University of Canberra.
Reece focuses on the preparation of individual tax returns with a focus on stock market capital gains driven by his passion for shares.
Outside of work Reece spends his time gaming, rock climbing and looking for investing opportunities.
Reece Adamovich
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Appointment FAQ
I am Not Sure Who to Book With? – I think I need to talk to a Financial Planner, but my questions cover a lot of tax questions as well.
It can be difficult to work out who you are best to talk to on our team as we are experts in so many things!
Give us a call and talk to our New Client Team who will be able to direct you to the best person for your enquiry. In some circumstances it might be appropriate to have a joint appointment with the accounting and financial planning team.
What is the process for meeting with the Accounting Team for a tax return or advice?
Talk to our lovely New Client Team – they will direct you to the right expert at Callaghans and answer any immediate questions you might have
- Before your appointment you will need to fill out our New Client Form and Terms of Engagement.
Having this information beforehand gives us time to prepare for your appointment and provide better quality and more personalised advice during your appointment.
- On your appointment day – bring any documents that are relevant to your advice questions and your tax return if you are completing it with us. Information as to what may be required can be found on our Resources page under Forms.
Don’t worry if you are still not sure what documents to bring. We will go over your information in our appointment and highlight any missing items to follow up after our meeting. We will also give advice as to how best to collate your documents going forwards to save you time and reduce our fees.
The appointment – for new tax and advisory clients – appointments will usually run just over an hour. Advisory only appointments differ depending on the advice needed
A junior accountant will generally sit in on the appointment to take notes.
For our new clients Callaghans’ focus is on getting to know you and what you would like to achieve in your interactions with us so that we can create a long-term partnership.
Accordingly, we only invoice for the time giving formal advice and tax strategy during the first appointment.
Following your appointment Callaghans will advise of any further steps for your tax return or advisory work. For details of our tax return preparation process see the resources page.
Callaghans invoice for advisory appointments at the conclusion of the appointment and for tax and advisory appointments when your tax returns are ready to sign.
I would like to get some advice regarding purchasing an investment property but would prefer to do my own tax returns – is that a problem?
Not at all! We love doing tax returns so always aim to be able to complete these for our clients as it helps us provide more comprehensive and personalised advice. However, if you also enjoy the thrill of entering tax information, keeping up to date on legislation and talking to the ATO – we can just provide an advisory service based on our hourly rate for the interesting and more unusual concerns that come up in the process of completing your returns.
Our ultimate goal is to make sure the Canberra community is more informed about financial matters and how the tax system works so we are keen to see you whenever the opportunity arises.
I am locked in to come to Callaghans as a new tax return client but my spouse would like to continue to do their own tax work – can I still come to you separately?
Of course. We can always just do your return – however doing both returns allows us to review your financial and tax situation as a family and give more in-depth advice as well as to provide tax strategies for both of you and ensure correct inclusions in your returns.
As couples also need to include the other’s financial information in their tax returns it may also mean that we have to complete your tax work early – by 31 October each year – rather than by the extended tax agent deadline that we are allowed. Completing both returns also just makes it so much easier for us to transfer information between returns.
I absolutely recognise the value of great accounting advice but would still like a guide as to how much a tax return/advice will cost me. Am I able to get a quote?
We have spent the last year working hard to create a standardised pricing system for our accounting area to clarify what things add time (and costs) to the completion of your returns/advice and what you can do to minimise these costs and maximise your return.
Callaghans charges a base fee for individual tax returns of $330 per return and then increments add onto this depending on what is included in your return such as a rental property.
For a more detailed quote and extended details on how we invoice for services please contact our New Client Team on (02) 6256 6000 to discuss your specific situation.